Saturday, July 17, 2010

Do you hear me?

So when you feel like hope is gone, look inside you and be strong.

I've been speaking to God lately, and rethinking about my relationship with Him. It's true that I've drifted away for some time, and I've been losing track on my daily devotion. But I'm getting back to keeping my walk with God a steady one.

Isn't it funny how we often take things from God for granted? I've come to realise that I rarely ever pray without a purpose, and I only seek God's help in desperate times. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there who does that. Many at times we often overlook things and ignore God's calling. Why is it that we only look for God when we need help? But when in good times, we forget to thank Him for blessing us. And during bad times, we blame God putting us through so much.

We always think that good times come easily, but we forget that it is God who has blessed us. And during bad times, we throw everything to God and blame him for all that is happening. I guess that sometimes God puts us through hard situations as a test. Some say that it's punishment from God, but how can it be, when our God is so loving and forgiving? I think that all the hard times are merely just tests from God to see how we handle such situations, cause I don't think that God will ever bring us to a point so low that we can't turn back. He once said that He will never put us through anything more than we can't take.

As of now, I'm praying for a change in my daily walk with God. As the day goes by, my relationship with God shall only grow stronger as I know that He is always there :)

Prayers answered, xoxo.

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