Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day Three

Eight ways to win your heart.
(Hohoho, this is going to be easy!)

1. The touch of music works wonders. Sing to me, play for me, just serenade me please!

2. Good sense of humor, thank you.

3. Getting messages or calls even for the slightest things (especially when I least expect them to).

4. Being a man of his words. And I mean someone that actually keeps their word rather than being a sweet-mouth but not meaning anything.

5. Not a chauvinist, not a wimp. It's true that every guy needs their ego, but it's nice when he can forgo his ego once in a while and let me feel good about myself.

6. Smelling goOoood! There's nothing better than being with someone who smells so good, his scent lingers even when he's not around.

7. Preferably high EQ. I love someone that is able to talk off problems rather than to throw his temper. Also, being able to handle the worst of times as patient and understanding as possible, with anyone (I'm referring to myself HAHAHA)

8. Being able to surprise me even with the littlest things. And I don't mean just for special occasions, but just for the thought of it.

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