Saturday, October 9, 2010

Six Billion Secrets

Among one of my favourite websites has got to be Six Billion Secrets.
It's another of my favourite reads other than FML and LGMH.

A few of the recent ones (click to enlarge)


Anyway, I've decided to come up with something.
Rather than six billion, I shall post up six secrets.
Out of the six, you shall have fun guessing which one is mine :)

"I am always the entertainer.
I'm the one that makes you laugh when you're down, and give you compliments when you're at your worst moments.
When will you realise that I need you to do the same?"

"Everyday I tell myself I'm beautiful.
I try not to be self conscious.
It seems like the more I try, the more I realise I'm in denial.
This eating disorder is killing me."

"I love the feeling of physical pain.
Because only such pain can cover up the emotional pain I bear with me."

"I hate seeing happy people.
I smile when I see them only so that they won't think I have a problem.
But the more I do, the more I remind myself how sad my life is."

"I'm so glad that I met you.
You were the one that cared, the one that listened, and the one that talked to me just about everything.
Then again, I wish I never met you. Then, there would be no tears, no heartbreaks, and no broken promises."

"You were my best friend whether you knew it or not.
Everyday we share secrets and laugh together.
But behind that laugh are tears held back because you don't know that your words hurt and what you tell me breaks my heart. I just couldn't stop you from telling me the truth."

Not so easy eh? =]

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