Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hello :B
I've just been feeling so tired and busy lately. One assignment due tomorrow, a test next week, and another assignment and test the week after. And also I've been quite preoccupied with play rehearsals every night. Oh well, I just can't wait for next weekend to be over and done with ♥

Interesting highlights of my week;

3 way Skype with my girls ♥
The past week I haven't been sleeping well. So there was one night it was 2am in Melbourne, 12am in Malaysia and 12pm in Indiana and all of us were online. Gosh, I miss them so much already :(

My friends told me that they were selecting for third batch and I panicked like crazy, cause from my understanding, when I checked last year and they said I wasn't selected, it meant that I wasn't selected for all batches, but apparently some of my friends got letters for them to go for the third batch of NS. BUT ALL IS WELL! WOOOOHOO :D I think I'm so lousy, even my country doesn't want me for NS, heee.

Will update again when I've the time to sit down, and breathe.
Till then! xoxo :)

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