Sunday, June 27, 2010

Back to school

It's been a long time since I last stepped into school. I've said goodbye to the place where I spent 12 years of my life, the place where I grew up. Suddenly I'm brought back to so many memories. Of nap times during pre-school, fights of who gets the sharper colour pencils, the friendship bonds we made and broke, secret talks, and all the drama that happened. Oh, nostalgia :')

Today, it's time to close another chapter

Source: New Strait Times
*click to enlarge*


Attended for my first and last Speech Day this morning. Met up with a few friends, then sat down at the back with the rest of the ex-Form 5s. We regretted going so early and having to go through countless of speeches, presentations, and awards before our turn, so we ended up talking the whole time :P

Nothing but empty envelopes.

Had to go down to sign a form before collecting our certificate and cheques.

After that, it was off to Pyramid with Sucelia and Rohit! :) Went to BBQ plaza for lunch, ditched movie cause there's nothing to watch, and the rest of the time was spent shopping, gossiping, and catching up with each other.

I've been unproductive the whole day, and I guess time to get back to my books! 8D

PS ; driving test on Monday.
I will not roll down the slopes.
I will not hit any of the poles while parking.
I will not stop more that 2 times for my 3 point turn.

Most importantly, I will not roll down the slopes.
I will not roll down the slopes.

Positive thinking isn't working :(

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