Friday, June 25, 2010

Blogs I can't stand

I've been blogging since 2005, and that would be long enough for me to blog hop to all kinds of blogs. Sometimes I don't even know I end up going to so many random blogs, but anyway, there are a few things I can't stand about bloggers/blogs.

1. Disabling right-clicking.
I FREAKING cannot stand blogs that disable right-clicking.
Hello, why are you so afraid of people stealing your pictures? Even if you have an original TM picture, you can always watermark! I do not care about your stupid pictures, but you're making it difficult for me to right click to open links to a new tab! Goodness, get over your insecurity. It's not always about you (Okay fine, it's your blog. Go ahead and lose points from your readers)

2. Too many colours.
Also known as the lala blogs. Too many colours, differerent fonts for every sentence, and excessive use of designs and animations. Want to read also eye pain D:

"c@n y0u p3opLe Pl3aSe tYpE pRopErLy c@n oR nOt?"

Can you imagine reading a post like that? Wasting 10minutes of your life.

3. Autoplay music player.
I used to put music to my blog a long time ago,until I realised that it was actually very annoying.

I hate how you are already playing a track, and then you go to a blog and their music overlaps yours, or sometimes you read a long post and their music doesn't load completely so you're forced to hear half, then it stops, then it plays again, and the whole process repeats itself. And it's worst when you can't find the button to stop it and you're forced to mute your whole laptop before you get so annoyed your blood pressure shoots up and your ears bleed.

Please, if you want to, do not autoplay.

4. Too many pictures, no words.
If you're planning on posting all pictures and no words, I don't see the point of blogging. Go get Flickr.

5. All words, no pictures.
I know where to find a dictionary. Just not at your blog.

6. Bloggers who account EVERY SINGLE DETAIL on their blogs.

"Today, I woke up at 8.06am. OMG, I can't believe I overslept by 6minutes, so I panicked and quickly got out of bed. I had to rush to bathe so that I won't be late in meeting my boyfriend. I went to brush my teeth, washed my hair, my face, my body. I didn't know what to wear and whether I should pick the blue or pink dress. I took 5 minutes thinking, and then changed my mind to the green one instead. Because of that, I was late in meeting my boyfriend. Luckily, he was also late so we both reached OU at the same time"

And that's just the beginning.
Not to mention they add pictures of EVERY single thing in that day.

7. Unlimited fullstops and squiggly lines.

"Hello...........long time no see~~~~~i know i haven't been blogging.....thank God I have holiday now......lalalala I'm so bored~~~~~~."

Please, get a life.

8. Blogs with only lyrics.

Everyday - Song title, lyrics, end post.

I know how to use Google, thank you.

9. No paragraphing.

(I'm to lazy to write out an example)

Anyway, how can you not get a headache reading blogs like that?

10. Self absorbed people.

This is me on the left angle.

This is me on the right angle.

This is me with specs.

This is me having a drink at Starbucks.

I'm so cute ^^

(Again, no proper example cause I'm too tired to do one, but you get the idea)

If you are that famous, okay. If you are pretty, maybe we don't mind. If your life is that awesome and special, maybe it's okay. Other than that, I don't see a need why the whole world must know all that.


So, what is YOUR list of blog peeves? :)

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