Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Exam fever

Hello world.
I've been pretty caught up preparing for mid-sem lately *sigh* I don't think I have ever studied so much in my entire life before. It's only mid-sem but already I'm working ten times as hard as compared to last year. Can you imagine what will happen during finals? D:

Anyway, I spent 14 hours in college yesterday grounding myself in the library to study Spec Maths. Finally got home around 9.30pm to bathe, and continue with revision. Spent another 2hours preparing my cheat sheet. Slept for a mere 2 hours, and mummy dropped me in college before 6.30am to continue studying before the exam at 11.30pm.

First paper didn't go too well, but I'm hoping to get a reasonable grade for the effort I slaved for. Hardwork, please be merciful and paid off well :(

Went for consultation, then had late lunch/tea, and the rest of the afternoon was spent in the library. Initial plan was to stay till 9pm again to study for Accounts, but I ended up sleeping in DR3 for an hour until Jian Hong woke me up. Was too tired to do anything so I went back and continue sleeping for another 3 hours.

Lesson learnt: If you want to study hardcore and sleep for only two hours, make sure you do not have anything on the next day, cause at this rate, coffee does not help.

Thank God I don't have any paper tomorrow. I'm suppose to be preparing questions to ask for consultation tomorrow, but I've lost the mood to study. I think I shall continue sleeping.

Even when you're hanging by edge, do not let go.
There is always hope ♥

One paper down. Three more to go!

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