Sunday, July 25, 2010

Weekend ♥

Since mid-sem is finally over, I'm suppose to update about a lot of things, but I don't know where to start :P Anyway, I'm just glad I made it through that horrible week of staying back in Taylor's till 11pm, sleeping for 2hours a night and going to McDs at 4am to study. Thank God it's all over now :)

I've been out the whole weekend doing all sorts of nonsence with the classmates, but I'm not complaining :D

Went out to Pyramid for karaoke right after our last paper on Friday. After that, we took a drive down to Klang to send Caryn back, and the girls bummed in her house while the guys played futsal.

Three of us managed to cram in a single bed (:

The guys wanted to bathe after futsal, so we went to Juan Gin's house while Carmen, Pui Kuan and I watched TV and played with his dog while waiting for them to bathe.

Looks can be deceiving :P

And after they were done, we went for steamboat buffet for dinner! Good food, good company :)

Thanks for the ride Carmen dear :D

Went out again on Saturday with the classmates. Juan Gin picked me up in the morning, and headed to Pyramid to meet up with the rest. Wanted to watch Inception but it was fully booked, so settled for The Sorcerer's Apprentice.

Lunched, then went over to Taylor's Lakeside Campus for a UK talk. It was a bit pointless, so we left early and went over to Tropicana City Mall to try get seats for Inception, but it was fully booked too :( Wanted Despicable Me but it was fully booked, and also too late. So we settled for Ong Bak 3 T_T

My verdict - it's a disgusting movie and I swear I'll never watch anything like that anymore.
But, I'm lucky to have Eric to sit beside me and keep me entertained HAHA. I was laughing so much at his sampat-ness that I wasn't even really concentrating on the movie :P
We went back to Subang for dinner after the movie, and Juan Gin sent me home at night.

Today, I was busy reversing roles with mummy.
I'm glad that she finally trusts me enough to let me drive on my own, but I'm getting tired already. Someone told me it's the 'driver symptom'. When you first start off, everything seems exciting cause you have to learn everything from scratch, but when you finally master it, you get bored cause there's nothing else new for you to learn.


Anyway, I'm going to sleep already.
Dear heart, please be prepared to be disappointed with failure after failure this week.

Promise to blog soon! xoxo.

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