Thursday, July 1, 2010

I guess it's true.
There's always a beam of light somewhere. You just have search deep within.

Had a pretty awesome day today. Had triple Maths period cause we had to stay back for extra class, so we ended later at 4pm instead.

The guys suddenly came up with a spontaneous decision for basketball cause they planned to cancel tomorrow's plan. I swear, we've been playing basketball at least once a week now, and I think this is going to go on for many weeks to come :P And the best part is, it always happens last minute! Like today, no one brought extra clothes so we just played in jeans and slippers.

Was drizzling when we reach, but luckily it didn't rain. The first time we played, it was pretty hot. Last week, it was raining cats and dogs. But today, the weather was just perfect :) Spent slightly less than 2hours on the court, and I learned how to shoot today! Was even lucky to score once, teehee :)

Monday's a holiday for SAM students, thank God.
And guess what? We're going to go for basketball again! :D The supposed plan is to meet up in the library to study in the morning/afternoon, then go for basketball in the evening. Lets hope things turn out well ♥

I shall attempt to start studying for my mid terms this weekend, and finish up all that I've been procrastinating with. It's time for a change :)

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