Monday, July 5, 2010

Monday musings

"So I put on my make-up, and pray for a miracle"

Thank God it's a holiday for SAM students today.

Initially planned to use this 'one-day-holiday' to catch up with some people, but then I had to study. In the end, I couldn't do neither cause I had to retake my driving test :(

My classmates were the sweetest, one by one sending me all sorts of funny good luck texts.
"Remember to eat your breakfast"
"We will meet you at the basketball court"

HAHA. Mad love them. Was so scared to fail again and reply everyone of them with "I fail" BUT PRAISE THE LORD. God sees, and God provides. I guess there's no better solution than to pray. Thanks Nat, for saving me RM350 and giving me back my confidence.

I passed! :D

Went back to college during lunch time and spent the rest of the afternoon in the library doing Maths with Pui Kuan. After that we went for basketball. 7 people, 4 balls ♥ And my skills are improving! I'm learning more and more new things every week :P


Oh well, I'm off to finish up more work and start studying for mid term! I'm finally done with my IS, which is one burden off my list.
There's still yet a whole list left to cross out.

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