Thursday, July 8, 2010

Things I learn while driving with my mother

1. No radio, no distraction

That was before when I was still unstable, but at least she lets me on the radio now!
I remember the first time I went driving with her, the car was pin-drop silent. No radio, and no conversation. The only noise in the car was her screaming in the background.

2. You need to step on the brake pedal to change gear

This is a super wtf story and I shall save myself the embarrassment.
But anyway, ever since that incident happened, I know that it is a must to step on the brakes if you ever want to change to Drive mode :P

3. Always check for your hand brakes

(while driving)
Me : Eh mummy, what is this red light ar?
Mum : Oh nothing, that's just your.. GIRL AR, YOU'RE DRIVING WITH YOUR HAND BRAKES UP! *quickly pull hand brakes down*

4. Parking isn't as easy as it seems

I was driving to church a few weeks back and wanted to park next to Aunty June's car. Before I could even do anything she was screaming "Nooo! Don't park next to Aunty June! I cannot afford to pay her if you bang her car!"

5. Rules are meant to be broken

There was once, I forgot to put on my seatbelt cause we were rushing home, so I was about to pull the seatbelt while driving and she scolded "Just drive only! No one cares about the stupid seatbelt!"

Other rules include misinterpretation of traffic lights, signals, and other things you don't want to know.

HAHA. This is how paranoid my mum gets about my driving.
But forget about all that. I'm now legal! The big P is on it's way :)

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