Sunday, August 29, 2010

Mobile history

I got my very first cell phone sometime when I was Form 1.
Before that, I was sharing a phone (and number) with my sister. It was a super old and ugly Nokia phone, but it was all we had. Both the phone and number was from my mum's office, and at that time the only function of a phone was to call and message.

But when I was in Form 1, my sister had to stay in a hostel during weekdays and it was hard for my friends to call when I'm not at home. So then mummy thought that it be best that I got my own phone and number :)

And back then, I decided to op for DiGi cause everyone was using it and I wanted to save money (using prepaid) eventhought my dad thought that Hotlink was better cause he was using Maxis.

My very own first phone.
(Okay, this isn't the exact model, but it's somewhat similar)
Small, and super cute with polyphonic ring tone! :D

Not too long after, I changed to a different Nokia model.

Nokia 3220
Very ugly. But I liked how the sides light up during a message or call :P

The only thing better than the previous was that it had a few more functions and a camera but nevertheless it was just about the same. I liked the keypad better though. Maybe that was what got me started on the texting spree.

But then, being the clumsy me, I dropped my phone countless times and there were lots of scratches it probably looked like it was handed down 3 generations. The keypad also started getting rusty and insensitive when I typed.

So, fast forward two years later, I upgraded!

Nokia 7390
Pink! And flip phone! It was like my dream phone :D

I think I was going through a confused state at that point of life. It was when I started liking pink things which I thought I hated all the while.

This was my birthday present in Form 3 and the only reason I picked it at first was because it was pink! D: But then I realised that it had so many functions that I've never heard off before. It was also when I discovered things like Bluetooth and memory card in phones :P

And I loved this phone like anything cause it was my first techno-savvy phone, and I took extra care of it as if it was my first phone :)

Nokia 7373

At the same time, my sister went to Australia and I used her number in this phone.
I was using two numbers at that time until I finally gave up hers cause there was no use using two prepaid numbers from the same telco.

Halfway through using the pink phone, I changed telco in Form 4.
Gave up using prepaid cause it was too troublesome and I was contemplating whether or not to change line, but since most of my friends were using Maxis then, I decided to beg my father to get me a sub-line under his and promised him that I won't overspend :P

After a while, both the phones failed me (there's a very sad story to what happened to my pink phone)

Last year, I was being very itchy and I don't know what got into me.
I decided to be 'different' that time and got this.

iPhone 3G

Two weeks after I got it, Apple launched the iPhone 3GS -.-
But I was still contented! I also sayang-ed my phone like crazy. I bought a nice casing and screen protector and took care of my phone with lots of love. I didn't drop my phone for the whole year last year (new record, really!)

But then, after what happened to my iPhone, I regretted my decision on getting one and stopped being an Apple evangelist.
And now, I'm the exact opposite.

Blackberry Bold 2 9700

Yes, I'm now a BB evangelist! :D
I've yet to download apps or explore yet cause I'm currently too busy with college, but I'll do so after this week when I'm having my holidays, teehee.
For the time being, I'm just making calls and texting, so there's no difference.

So, here is my history of cell phones.
I hope I don't need to add anymore to the list for a while ♥

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