Saturday, August 28, 2010


FINALLY, I have the time to sit down and update after a whole day out today.
I was suppose to update yesterday after coming home cause of picture pressure from some people *coughcarmencough* but I was too tired and I needed to wake up early today :P

Anyway, a few of us took a joyride to Klang after class yesterday for Caryn's pre-birthday celebration. Class ended at 5pm, then we waited for people till 5.30pm and off we left for Aeon!

Had to wait for Eric cause he got lost, so we went to the arcade first, teehee.

(Will try upload the video when I have the time, hee. Super hilarious :D)

Dinner at BBQ plaza again :)

Eric had to leave early to send Caryn back first, so the rest of us continued eating and finishing up the food, teehee. Soon after, Juan Gin called, so I went upstairs to help pick out Caryn's gift, and on the way back I saw a super nice phone casing near the gift shop but it's expensive! :( *sigh*

Anyway, we went back to the restaurant where the rest just finished eating, so we paid and left for dessert!

Waiting for our choco tops :D

After that we went straight to Caryn's house for a while, where the girls went up to her room and the guys stayed downstairs.

Birthday girl ♥

Hor hor, someone angry? :P

Group picture before leaving :)

Eric took the Subang girls back on a crazy ride. Of speeding, highlighting MyVis and slow drives :P All in all it was a good trip down Klang. Was so full and exhausted by the time I got back, KO-ed immediately cause I knew today was going to be another long day.


Was out the whole day again today.
Got a wake up call from Xin Li at 8.15am. Went to the bank first, then came back and waited for Eric to pick me up. Fetched Xin Li, then waited for Sheau Yueh at the cinema.

We purposely went to Pyramid super early to buy tickets for Step Up 3, 3D and thank God there were seats available! Had about 2hours to spare so we went for early breakfast/lunch to sit down and bum while waiting.

But the super most wtf thing happened to us after that, grr!
We were already waiting outside for the hall all excited for the movie, and suddenly they came and told us that there's something wrong with the speakers in the hall so they had to refund us. WTF?

Lined up to get our refunds, then drove off to IOI mall, and thank goodness there was a movie slot at 2.40pm (but not in 3D /sad/)

Bummed for an hour and we finally made it for the movie! :D

And it was SUPER AWESOME ♥ :D
OHMYGOD, watching the trailer again gets me so ecstatic!
I swear I can watch the movie again and again and not get tired of it :D Arghh, I want to watch again! Will 3D be any better? :(

Eric sent me back after the movie, and later at night I went out again with the guys for mamak.
Got lost in Taipan and went round and round and round for more than 10 minutes looking for Murni because Chuan Hoong thought he knew the place but he didn't. I didn't know either cause I only know about Murni in SS2, not Taipan.

He gave up in the end so we called I-Fern and the first thing she said to me was "Audrey you don't know how to go Murni I slap you ar" :( *paiseh*

Spent slightly less than 2hours there, and Chuan Hoong sent me back before 10.30pm.

Tomorrow, I'll be going out again BUT to study! 8D
Trials, I will be prepared to meet you soon!

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