Saturday, August 7, 2010

Ms Kidnapper

HelloOoo! :)
It's been a long time since I had a proper update. Have been way too busy with college stress, and will be having one heck of a busy schedule this coming week.

Anyway, someone kidnapped me yesterday and brought me to Pyramid cause we finished class early :P

Carmen wanted to go shopping, but at the end of the day, I was the one that bought something and she didn't get anything at all! :( We're currently saving money this month, so cannot spend so much. Most of our time yesterday was spent window shopping, teehee.

*all pictures stolen from Carmen's blog*

Forever 21 :)

"It's me!" HAHA :P

Ice cream @ Shojikiya :D

Gahh, I'm too lazy to upload all the photos now.
Have to get my nerd mode back on for this week! 8D

Will promise to update next week, xoxo.

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