Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Cinderella Story ♥

I've lost the mood to study now after what happened.

Because I lost the mood to study, I re-watched the last scene of A Cinderella Story again just now and I teared watching it this time :( I remember watching it at least three times few years back but it didn't mean anything to me. Probably I never felt like I could see something so well from just one movie, but after watching it again today, I'm brought back to reality.

"I know that the guy who sent those e-mails is somewhere down inside of you, but I can't wait for him. Because waiting for you is like waiting for rain in this drought: useless and disappointing"

Maybe this whole relationship is just better off in cyberspace.

"I thought that I could handle this, but I really can't"


I'm going to re-watch the whole movie now
Much love ♥ :)

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