Saturday, August 14, 2010

Friday the 13th

I know it's very stupid of me to believe in such superstition, but sometimes you can't help but to believe in the myth when bad luck strikes more than once.

The night before, something went wrong with the driver's seat in mummy's car and we can't adjust it. So now she can't drive it cause her legs are too short but the seat fits me perfectly :P Thank God the grandparents are down for 3 weeks so there's an extra car (which means I can have the car for 3 weeks! *joy*)

Anyway, I sent Moon and Chi Hao to the Bukit Jalil bus station after class today together with Jian Hong cause I didn't know the place.

First suay moment : We were going through the roundabout to go to Sunway and all of a sudden a stupid lorry went and cut my lane without signaling! I was so scared and had to emergency brake quickly. Luckily, my passengers were very understanding and didn't blame me *relief* =)

Me: Eh this one not my fault one okay!
Moon&Chihao: Yah yah, not your fault, the person never put signal one
Audrey: Okay nevermind. Everyone here got license already, if anything go wrong, anyone can easily take over *touch wood!*

Second suay moment : We were approaching the toll plaza and Jian Hong asked me for my Smart Tag. It's usually beside me, but when I reached for it, it wasn't there! Mummy must have took it before going to work today, grr. So I had to pay cash, and my hands were too short that I had to unbuckle my seatbelt to pay -.-

Anyway, after dropping them, Jian Hong and I went back to Subang to meet up with the rest for basketball at our usual playground.

Third suay moment : Much for being a Subang girl, I got lost halfway and took the wrong turning. But that wasn't so bad yet. I just wasted time and petrol.

Fourth suay moment : After making the correct turning, I needed to cut to the right lane to U-turn, so I signaled already and cut in front of a lorry thinking I could go through when the queue started moving. Jian Hong also told me to just cut and they'll let me go cause the lorry's pick up isn't so fast, and I was already in front so he'll give me way. But that lorry was so damn inconsiderate and didn't give me way and simply cut my line eventhough I was already in front. I swear, if I didn't brake in time, confirm kena langgar already! ISH.

Finally made it to the playground and saw Juan Gin waiting. The rest were still on their way. Juan Gin parked and came over to my car and the three of us just stayed inside and talked while waiting for the rest to come. They finally came and we played for 30minutes then I had to leave.

Fifth suay moment : I thought of going to church at night for bible study. So, I went back after basketball and bathed, and took a nap at 5.30pm thinking I will wake up later for dinner then go to church. In the end, I napped until 10pm and missed dinner and bible study -.-

So there goes my Friday.
I hope there will not be anymore Friday the 13th for a very long time.

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