Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fail of the day

Something is wrong with me today, really. I just had the most wtf moment and I don't think this can ever happen to anyone ever.

I decided to go for dance class after college today to de-stress eventhough I'm suppose to be rushing for my tutorial tomorrow.

Anyway, after bathing and getting dressed, I took my own sweet time and walked around to wait for mummy to pick me up as usual. I was patiently waiting for her to call me, and then after what seemed like forever, she still didn't call.

I started thinking that my phone line had problem again which was why I couldn't receive her call, or mummy don't love me anymore and forgot about me :/

When I checked my phone again, it was already 15minutes and still no call from her, so I decided to call her incase something happened that she forgot. And just when I was about to search for her number and call her, I saw that her name wasn't on my 'dialed numbers' which is funny cause I usually call her to tell her my plans whether or not I'm going for class. And then I remembered ..

I drove today.

Biggest fail ever :(

I officially hate being the driver. Can't wait to go and get the car fixed so I can go back to being the passenger and sleep in the car.

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