Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What are you?

A few weeks ago during bible study, someone popped a question that made me think and reflect on myself over and over again, even up till today, I'm still thinking about it.

The question was, "what object best describes you?"

There were a few examples. Like say, a person that originated from an abusive family can relate to a bruised apple that has been dented or dropped before.

It took me a while to think about what describes me.
The first thing that came to my mind was a lion.

Loud, and demanding.

And then I thought, maybe a rose.

They say looks are deceiving. Sounds familiar?

You can look like everything is all nice and things are going like you're living on a bed of roses. But, when someone triggers the wrong part, those thorns can hurt like a bitch that will make them wish that they'd never want to mess with anyone like that ever again.
Yes, deceitful.

However, after much consideration, I found the perfect object that described me.


The simplest thing, yet, it can be described the best in the most basic adjectives.

Strong, but fragile.
Sometimes, you tend to overestimate how strong you really are, and you never know how far you can go until you reach your breaking point. And maybe, by the time you realise how fragile you are and how easy you break, it's probably too late already.

Isn't it shocking how easily see through one can seem? Sometimes, you seem so transparent that emotions can be easily read and it's so difficult to hide things from others. And when everyone can look through you, there is this sense of insecurity lingering around.
What if, the world sees that you're not good enough?

Maybe, it's meant to be like that.
But keep in mind, that despite all the cracks and all the flaws, everything still stays strong.

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