Friday, September 24, 2010

Twenty five

1. I have perfect pitch :)

2. I once fell into a drain when I was young that resulted in a scar on my face, but it faded over the years.

3. My first trip to the hospital was in Standard 4 where I had to go for a CT scan due to a migraine problem.

4. I thought my favourite colour was blue for 10 years. But then I realised I was in denial the whole while and my favourite colour was actually pink :P

5. I hate my nose. I think it's big and disproportionate.

6. I also hate my small eyes.

7. Call me stupid, but I only found out this year that every handphone has an antaena, and auto cars have a gear wtf *paiseh*

8. Despite the fact that my closet is overflowing of clothes, I can remember every single clothing I own.

9. I can play at least 4 musical instruments. All which I went for classes before.

10. The most expensive item I own in my room is more expensive than my iPhone, laptop, BB and camera put together. And you won't believe what it is! D:

11. I love guys who somewhat have a musical background.

12. Referring to 11, I think that guitarist guys are overrated, sorry.

13. I learned about testicles in Standard 5 because I used to tie my hair up with a rubber band that had two furry balls attached to it and my classmates said it looked like hairy balls, HAHA!

14. I get very insecure over things, even minor things.

15. I am prone to injuries. I sprained my left wrist while ice skating before, and I tore a tendon three times in three years. Left leg in Form 4, right leg last year and this year. This better not be a tradition :/

16. I have a habit of playing with my hair, especially the tail ends. This is why I'm afraid of cutting my hair short again.

17. Whenever I buy something I always make sure it comes in a colour I like cause I'm shallow as that (that explains my camera and whiteberry) :(

18. I still sleep with the night lights on.

19. I am very indecisive, which explains why I hate making choices cause I'm afraid of regretting it.

20. When I first started my period I once leaked through my pants and stained a chair in public. Thank God I was wearing black pants and the chair was a wooden chair and wipable wtf.

21. I cannot drive without music. I'll die.

22. My Facebook, Windows, Gmail, MSN, Blogger, Twitter, and every single account password I have is the same EXCEPT for my Livejournal.

22. If I don't talk during car rides, I doze off easily.

23. When I was younger my family went to a temple and there were snakes there and I ran out screaming. My grandmother told everyone "the loudest one but the most scared one" I FAIL T__T

24. I love my moles, especially the one next to my lips.

25. I'm afraid of starting conversations with people online cause I'll always feel that I'm annoying or the conversation will die out.

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