Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I think.. I have got to be the most ridiculous person ever.

It's a holiday, but I'm stuck studying.

Went to Lakeside yesterday and studied Econs. Halfway through, we were talking about Step Up 3 and someone had the craziest idea to watch it again. Headed to Pyramid to buy tickets cause online booking was all full. Turns out the whole cinema was full and the only seats available were the couple seats. Oh well. Went for lunch, then killed time before Step Up 3. The movie was better the 2nd time! I don't mind watching it again, teehee (:

Today, I did the most ridiculous thing. I don't think anyone would ever do something like that.
I woke up at 5.30am, and went to college at 6am. On a holiday! What nonsense right?

Anyway, that wasn't important. I went there for a very stupid reason. I thought that I would at least feel good if I completed my mission today. But I feel even more stupid now because I didn't even accomplish what I was suppose to do (due to certain reasons :P) I'm such a failure!
BUT, I'm planning to try again tomorrow. Sounds crazy, but I hope it will work this time!

Might be having plans with Chris tomorrow but he has not message me yet :(
Hopefully things go out well. I don't want to stay and rot at home.

Gosh, I have got to start being more productive tonight. At the pace I'm studying, I won't be able to finish up by this week *sigh*

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