Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Mid Autumn

HAHAHA. I know I'm super late for this entry, but it's okay because.. Carmen is later! (but all the pictures are with her, so she's forgivable T_T)

Celebrated lantern festival after trials with the classmates this year :) Trials ended on Friday but some of us (i.e ME!) finished on Thursday *grins*

Anyway, we went to Jian Hong's place for BBQ on Friday night. Eric picked me up around 4pm first and we went to Carrefour at Sri Petaling to buy foOod! Grocery shopping has never been so fun before :D


They had mirrors everywhere, teehee ;)

Our noms for the night

After we were done buying food, we went to Jian Hong's house to prepare and waited for everyone else.

The girls camwhored ..

.. while the guys did the cleaning!

It takes a real man to set up the fire! :P

Jian Hong had to go out after that to meet Carmen and guide her to his place. And when she came, it was about time to start cooking already.

Glutton's paradise (:

The few of us started cooking and eating first while waiting for the rest of the people to come. The first few attempts were .. disastrous, but it got better after that! I contributed in cooking too, okay? *proud* :D

The rest of the night was spent cooking funny combinations, massaging chickens, camwhoring, and playing lanterns

(all pictures are in Carmen's camera, so we shall all wait for her to upload!)

Carmen and I slept over at Xin Li's place that night. It was our BIMBO sleepover night! :D
I had to go back home to collect my things first because the plan was last minute, so we left at 11pm cause mummy had to wait for me, and Xin Li had to be back before 12am.

Quickly packed my things and Carmen made sure I got everything while we were in her car before driving off :P Dropped Pui Kuan home first, then we went over to Xin Li's place.

The guys made a sudden decision to come over, so we couldn't bathe but had to wait for them, grr. Bummed in Xin Li's room to kill time and they finally came around 1am and we all just stayed outside for a while.

The kononnya 'surprise'

They left soon after, and then the girls went back in to BATHE! It felt so good to be clean after that, teehee :) We slept in the guest room, but since we skipped movie night, we just stayed up and talk.

It seemed that time moved so slowly when the three of us bonded over pillow talks. I swear, it was the best ber-bonding session we've ever had. Everything just clicked so well and fell perfectly into place, and I'm glad I was there that night/morning :')

We FINALLY went to bed a quarter past 4am because all of us HAD to sleep since we all had plans the next day. Three of us crammed into a double bed, and none of us could get much sleep and we were all awake before 6.30am :P Again, we just stayed in bed and talked until the sun came up and then, we made breakfast!

Food for our tummies! :D

I think I ended my week pretty well.
Major loves to the bimbos <3

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