Wednesday, September 29, 2010

7 Facebook sins

We all know Facebook is contagious ;)
But here is what I think are the sins people commit on Facebook most of the time (whether they know it or not) that I can't stand.

1. Starting a conversation then going offline

(name) is offline

This is why I never like Facebook chats.

2. Adding your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend

I don't understand why some people like to add their friend's boyfriend/girlfriend seeing that they do not even know each other. It's like adding just for the sake of being a busybody. Why would you want to know about your friend's boyfriend/girlfriend when you can just ask your friend straight away? And they're already taken for goodness sake!

3. Adding your boyfriend/girlfriend's friends

Again, similar to number 2. I don't know why some people get so insecure about their boyfriend/girlfriend's friends they have outside and add every single one of them making sure that he or she knows the same friends as his/her boyfriend/girlfriend. Please, get over your insecurities. Plus, it's not like you will know much by adding their friends.

*I think number 2 and 3 fall under the category of 'adding people just so you have a lot of friends and look popular'*

4. Commenting with one word

I am positive that everyone hates spam. Notifications are nice, but not a flooded inbox, grr! And no one responds to comments with "lol" or "haha" or "(insert smiley face)" Goodness.

5. Tagging people in pictures that they're not in

I find it a bit annoying to be tagged in pictures that I'm not in physically (unless there's a meaning behind it). Especially when it comes to event posters where 50 people are tagged in it too, and everyone starts commenting and then we go back to number 4, spam.

6. Commenting and diverging attention towards themselves

I especially find it disgusting when people comment on a person's status or post and bring the topic towards themselves. Urgh.

7. Replying on a forwarded message

It basically goes back to number 6. Forwarded messages are meant for everyone on the list to see. Any doubts, please send a personal message to the sender rather than bring the whole topic to yourself.

Haha, I know even after I mention these 7 sins, everyone will still continue to do so also, including myself (at times)
It's inevitable! Or else, there will be no one on Facebook anymore :P

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