Thursday, September 16, 2010


I had the worst experience last night.

I was suppose to go for mamak with the usual gang at night. At first it was suppose to be on Tuesday with just me, Xin Li and Moon cause we were suppose to.. uhh, kill emoness :P But then we postponed to Wednesday cause it's a holiday on Thursday, and the going crowd grew bigger.

Followed mummy for bible study at Aunty Jacey's place first, then I left halfway. Drove to Taipan Murni but upon reaching, I got a call from Xin Li saying that it's close! :( Met Xin Li and Eric in front of Murni, then stayed in Eric's car while waiting for the rest. We planned to go to SS2 Murni instead but had to wait cause the others didn't know the way.

Kar Chun and Juan Gin finally came and the plan became so complicated and we were suppose to drive back to SS15 first. Xin Li, Pui Kuan and Moon came over to my car and I drove back to Subang, and that was when it happened. Halfway at the junction, Kar Chun pulled over next to my car and told me that my car's front tyre was flat!

Quickly rushed to the nearest petrol station where everyone was waiting there, and I'm so glad I have such pro-driver guy friends T___T Major thanks to all of them - Chun Haw, Juan Gin, Sheau Yueh, Eric, Khang Hong, Chuan Hoong, Chi Hao, Xin Li, Pui Kuan and of course Kar Chun! (:

Drove home after that with Kar Chun following me behind. I parked my car at home, then followed Eric's car and off we went to SS2.

(As I predicted) SS2 Murni was close as well, so we went to Kayu instead. It was almost 10.30pm by the time we got there and I think everyone was probably starving already, teehee. Left slightly before 12am, and I'm home safe and so is my car :)

I'm glad I wasn't alone last night ♥

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