Monday, September 13, 2010



I'm so scared now! I think I'm going to fail my Accounts test tomorrow.
I'm going to drown myself in misery now.


I've been so unproductive for the past three days. My trials are coming soon but I have not been studying much :( Have been procrastinating and not studying since Friday. I keep telling myself to study at night but I keep procrastinating and end up wasting my time on crap.

Went out on Friday and Saturday so half my day was wasted already. Came home late so I didn't bother studying. Yesterday was like any ordinary Sunday. Studied one chapter of Econs in the morning before church. Went for lunch, then had to run a few errands and by the time I got back it was already 5pm. Took a 2hour nap in the evening and thought I was going to study at night, but after dinner, I just lied in bed and wasted my time for another 2 hours texting and ended up not doing anything else :(

But I studied today! (sort of) :D
Set my alarm to 8.30am but I overslept and woke up at 9.30am panicking. Chris was suppose to come over at 10am, so I quickly got ready and waited for him.

The original plan was suppose to be that I went over to his place last week since I could have the car for one day, but the date changed to today and I don't have the car, so he came to my place instead. Plus, Aunty June insisted that he came over instead cause she didn't want me to drive all the way :P

We went to Starbucks after he came where I taught him Chemistry then continued with my Accounts work while he did his own work. Spent about 3 hours there, then went for lunch at Subway! We were done before 1.30pm, so we walked back to my place and continued studying, and I attempted Econs this time :) Studied until 2.30pm, then he went back and now I'm taking a break.

HAHHAHA I'm so proud of myself! *beams* :D
I think I might even pass tomorrow's test, hah!

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