Friday, September 10, 2010

Dumb blonde

I have been wanting to dye my hair for a very long time already.
My black roots have been growing so long that my fringe is completely black while my hair is left brown.

See what I mean?

I finally went to dye my hair with mummy today.
Decided to stick to brown colour rather than go back to black. I miss my black hair and I wanted jet black hair a few months back, but now I thought that I'd still stick to brown first and maybe go back to natural another time. Either that or wait till my I outgrow my brown hair (which I doubt will happen seeing it takes ages to grow) :P

Anyway, I thought that I picked the same colour as I dyed previously, but it turned out much lighter than I thought. The shade is too light now! And I look like a dumb blonde! :(

It looks much lighter in reality, and it's even brighter under sunlight :(

Grr, I hope the colour will fade a little over time. I don't want to go through the hassle of redying it the second time!


On a brighter note, I changed my TweetDeck colour scheme! It looks so pretty now! :D Heh, after so long I finally found out how to change it.

Now I really feel like a bimbo :(

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