Thursday, September 9, 2010


I did it! :)

Went to college early today to try out the Maths past year trial exam paper. Mummy dropped me in college in the morning and I thought I was late. Rushed to the hang out zone and settled down at 6.58am, with 2minutes to spare.

Sat down for a whole 3 hours (+10 minutes reading time) doing the mock trial and I thought that it was better than the previous time I attempted. It was pretty hard and I think that I will get a C cause my statistics is horrible, but at least now I know how it feels like to be sitting for the real deal ;)

Went back up to C21 after finishing the paper, and studied there the whole day.
I think today went pretty well! I sense more productivity :)

Went to Snowflake with Pui Kuan around 5pm to 'reward' ourselves for being so hardworking, teehee. We are probably the only Subang girls that have never been to Snowflake before, and today's the day we finally tried! People from KL, Klang, Puchong, and all over all the place all try before but we Subang girls haven't yet *paiseh* :P

First time! ♥


It's Hari Raya tomorrow.
Still considering whether I should go to college or take a break.

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