Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day Two

Nine things about yourself.

1. I can forgive but not forget. Whatever people have done wrong, I can let go, but things will never be the same again. Sorry, but the trust is easily covered up by the pain or hurt before.

2. I over think things a lot. I always imagine the best/worst possible situation, or having regrets about things I've said or done and think about what I should have done at that time.

3. I have had several minor accidents when I first started driving which still scares me.

4. I like how music can relate to any current situation at any timing.

5. I think I'm an intellectual bimbo! Not all bimbos are stupid okay? 8D

6. Most of the time when I'm alone, my thoughts start to take control.

7. I am pretty sensitive, but I just hide my emotions really well. You sometimes don't know how the littlest things or the slightest words can hurt, but I can still laugh and put on a smile.

8. I'm a hopeless romantic, so sue me.

9. I am an extreme stalker. Sometimes I know more than you think I do :)

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