Friday, October 1, 2010

Day One

Ten things you want to say to ten different people now.

1. It's amazing how well we get along even though we may not say it at times. I never thought I'd ever meet someone like you and I'm glad I did. You've changed my life in so many ways and opened up my eyes. Never once have I doubted your words and thank you for always being so inspiring.

2. When I first saw you, I was judgmental and thought that you were like any other. Never once have I doubted you. I really thought that you cared. Turns out, behind all that lies a completely different story. I trusted the wrong person. It saddens me that now I can't even tell what is on your mind right now.

3. I don't know why everything has changed between us, and I sincerely hope to patch things back together. It's been too long and I really miss you. I have been excruciatingly waiting for a chance to communicate with you. Yes, I did. Once. It was the only chance and I knew that if I lost it, I wouldn't get a chance anymore, but I failed. Nevertheless, I hope you're fine now.

4. I'm glad that we are alright. For a second, I thought that I was going to lose you. Thank you for being so understanding, and always staying by my side. You mean to me so much more than you think, and words can never describe how grateful I am to have you even if you don't notice it.

5. You by far, have got to be the best person I can talk to. It's surprising how we can talk for hours and not get tired. I have never opened up or told anyone so much before until I met you. But sometimes, I wish you would listen to me rather than to flood me with your words. It's true that you need a listening ear, but don't I need one too?

6. Truth is, I'm jealous of you. They say that some people just get lucky. I guess you are one of them. You are always everyone else's priority. I never understood why people are always so overly concern about your wellbeing. And I don't know how or why, you are the only person that can get along with everyone. It doesn't matter if there are others smarter or prettier, you just seem to have it all.

7. I really don't know what to say about you. I thought that you understood me so well and meant every word you said. But how can you be so nice through virtual messages but be so cold in reality? I know you're sweet, really. I used to think that it's okay for a friendship to be like that, until I realise that the more I believe in it, the more I drift away from reality and that I start thinking too much. I'm not saying you're not nice because I know you're sweet, but words just can't describe how things have changed. I miss you. I miss us, and how things were before. Yes, it's true that I felt hurt before but maybe it's better for me to feel that way and bear with it myself rather than for both of us to be like this now.

8. I always thought a person like you would be another of those popular ones and I would have never trusted you. Who knew, as time pass, we became so incredibly comfortable with each other. We had our fair shares of secrets and laughs, and I'm happy about that.

9. You have got to be the craziest person I know. You never fail to put a smile on my face and I'm inspired by your positive attitude even though I know at times you feel down, but you never really show it and you suppress things to yourself. I admire you for that.

10. Sometimes, it's best you hear the whole story before you actually make judgements. Everyone deserves a second chance.

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