Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I found a few pictures from last year, teehee! :D

Happy hour! ♥ I miss karaoke with them.

The pre-SPM camwhore session in class :P

Lala pose #10

The most memorable Deepavali :P Got stuck in a jam on the LDP in Chong Yee's car and we got lost finding our way to Rohit's house. I think we spent more time in the car than we did in the party.

Alphattackers class party @ Hazwan's condo

Prefect's annual dinner! My first and last :')

KK trip ♥

The stupidest dare HAHAHA. Funniest thing that happened throughout the trip :P

Fishing from 12am to 7am! It was crazy cold especially from 3am onwards, but the talks in between made time go by fast. And the guys caught nothing but seaweed, lol :P

I was re-watching all the KK videos and I just remembered all the shit we used to do.

Another dare HAHA! :P
This is what happens when guys call each other pussies and make dares like these.


Update another time, promise!
I'm trying to make my holiday as productive as possible by finding things to do to fill up time.

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