Friday, December 31, 2010

Two Zero One Ohh

The year is almost ending already and well, so much has happened throughout the year. (Actually, when I started this post, the year was almost ending. But I ended up procrastinating and now the end of the year is today already wtf)

I think this year started off pretty rough for me.
It was a big leap jumping from high school to college, and it was a rough start cause I started off didn't knowing what I want and ended up with something I didn't like in the first place. Kicked start January with A-levels, which turned out to be a nightmare for me. And it went on for three months until I finally decided that I hated it and went on to change to SAM in March.

But in a way, I'm grateful of having to start off that way. Cause, if it wasn't for A-levels, I wouldn't appreciate what I have now, and I wouldn't know what I wanted to do with my life. I would still be a science student rather than a commerce student.

Turned seventeen this year ♥

Got my license this year as well, which was a dreadful process. And it came with a package too *ahem* like getting my first SAMAN! :(

Also started wearing contact lens on an (almost) everyday basis. I think it's because I changed to ugly specs this year too wtf.

Redyed my hair in the bimbo-est shade of brown, almost blonde D:

This year, I finally switched to blogging publicly here.
I have been blogging for more than 5 years already and I have been using livejoural for friends only for 3 years already. I still do update there for friends and private posts, but I'm keeping this blog more alive now *applause* :D

Upgraded my iPhone 3G to a Blackberry 9700 Bold 2

I know I just bought my iPhone last year cause my previous phone was old and needed change anyway, but not my fault this time! Stupid iPhone spoiled and failed me!

Also upgraded my Canon Ixus 95 to a Canon G11

This one is a bit my fault :P
I also just bought my Canon Ixus 95 last year because my Sony camera dropped in the sea at Redang wtf. But I wanted a better camera this year and upgraded! In my defense, I still use both cameras so it's not a waste :D

2010 has been a whirlwind. Many ups and downs and life-changing experiences.
This year has really taught me a lot of valuable things. Things that I'll never forget and bring on in the years to come. I think 2010 has been a wonderful journey embedded in me and is so far the best I've ever had. I have never laughed so hard, cry so hard, nor smile brighter in my life. I have met the most amazing friends and great people that have taught me so much there is in life. Most importantly, this year, I learned what love and true friendship is really all about.

Goodbye, 2010

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