Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy 2011
Okay, actually I cheated. I took that picture before the BBQ party (update on that soon) which was two days before New Year! HAHA. I can't believe it, but I haven't taken a picture this year yet *gasp* Maybe I should make it my resolution this year to camwhore less. HAHAHHA who am I kidding, that's impossible :D

Anyway, I spent my New Year's eve alone. Went for uncle's potluck dinner at his house, then came back and Skyped with Zhi Yan for hours. When it was time, she took me out to see fireworks at her place via Skype, teehee. Then it was my turn to see fireworks out my window! KL and Subang got different time zone :P

Made all my new year calls to the loved ones while I was still online with her, but I gave up after a few calls cause I was the only one loner on NYE wtf. Stayed up talking to her till two in the morning.

Woke up today and went out for lunch with mummy dearest :) She's off today FOR THE FIRST TIME ever -.- Went OU for lunch and shopped there, mainly for things to bring to Melbourne. I finally bought my luggage and hand carry bag! :D So now I can start packing already *sighs*

Happy New Year people!
Have an awesome 2011.
xoxo, aud :)

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