Saturday, January 29, 2011

Round and round the mulberry bush!

I'm back! :D
Had a super exhausting day, but amazing and entertaining in so many ways :) Went out with my college bimbos ♥ Carmen picked me up around noon, then we fetched the princess and off we went to Pyramid!

We wanted to have lunch at Chilis at first but in the end we ditched the Empire idea cause there was nothing to shop there, teehee :P So we went to Friday's! Three of us shared a three course meal :)

Buffalo wings were so-so only :/

Friday's three for all :D

Chicken Alfredo.
The waited lied! He said it was nice but it was .. bland and dry :(

Caesar salad with cajun fried chicken (:

With Carmen

The last one to finish her food, as usual!

The man in white spoil the picture :/
Xinli said "do you think we look like we're in Hong Kong?"

GOT TO LOVE THIS! :D Tutti Frutti after shopping! ♥ ♥


We did the most spontaneous thing ever! We decided to go for the ferris wheel ride!! HAHAA, so random, but it was worth the laugh :)

Are we going to fall? :O


Xinli : My reputation gone already if someone catch me siting this

♥ love

That's all now, cheers! :)

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