Thursday, January 27, 2011

Everything I do

I've been getting lazier and lazier to blog these days. I can't say that I'm totally busy right now, cause I'm not -.- In fact, I'm the exact opposite! I spent my whole week staying at home and being a pig, urgh. I'm dying to go out right now, someone please kidnap me already! :( *sigh*

But I just don't have the time to update cause by the time I wake up, half the day is gone already and I have probably skipped two meals too D: Yes, I am THAT free. My biological clock is probably screwed already cause I've been sleeping later than 3am thanks to my recurring recent addiction of Hong Kong dramas.

My leftover plans for this week- collect campus day pay tomorrow (finally!) and lunch with Carmen and XinLi on Friday. And after that, it's off to Thailand! Imma start packing real soon :D


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