Monday, February 14, 2011

Hokkien New Year

Would you believe me if I told you I have part Hokkien blood? HAHA. But I don't celebrate Hokkien New Year. This year I didn't even celebrate Chinese New Year cause I came back from Bangkok on the first day. I think I'm losing my chingchong heritage! :(

During Hokkien New Year, kzyan and I took an adventure trip! ♥ I can drive but no car, she got car but cannot drive wtf. We're so pathetic :( Walked to the KTM station and took a train to Midvalley in the morning. I was late cause the train was late, so we made it just in time for lunch!

Sucking off free wifi at Secret Recipe, teehee. Lasagna for me and spaghetti bolognese for her :)

Shopped at Midvalley for two hours searching for chocolates, presents, and more things for me to bring to Melbourne. I purposely went all the way to Midvalley to go to Zara to search for my heart shaped sweater only to find out that it was old stock! GRR, so angry. On the bright side, I saved Rm140, so I could buy my wedges in the end (:

Took the KTM back to Subang together with Zhi, and the initial plan was to take a cab from there to Taipan cause I wanted to shop at 2L and she also wanted to go there cause I've been telling her lots of things about the shop :P

Waiting for the train :(

After reaching the Subang station, we were walking out to the taxis when all of a sudden I saw the word Taipan on a mini bus so we decided to just take the bus. Save so much and it's only RM1 (if you can ignore the horrible wind, humid air and sweatiness)

30 minute bus ride from S15 to Taipan!

In the end, 2L was closed!! SO DAMN ANGRY! And the worst part was, it's not going to open until the 23rd and I'm already in Melbourne by then :( Super duper emo after that cause I really wanted the belt and high waist shorts. Walked around a few boutiques, then chilled at McDs over food and free wifi ♥

Playing with my iPhone with her on her iPod Touch. After that we switched cause she called me noob when I couldn't unlock my stages at Megajump :(

Rachel took us back, and then later at night mummy came back and gave me the car. It was my turn to become driver! Picked up Steffi & Yisin, then Jason at USJ and after then Hazwan at Sunway and then drove off to SS2 to pick Syairah (: First time my car so full house! And when everyone was finally in, they all went crazy over songs on the radio and started car-aoking, teehee ♥

The initial plan was to go to the 'nasi lemak babi' but when we went there IT WAS CLOSED! So we drove off to Strawberry Fields at PJ.

Food and awesome company with the awesome ones, I love! :D

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