Wednesday, May 18, 2011

breathe in, so i can breathe you out

Dear diary,
It's been a while.

I haven't had the time to sit down and list down my thoughts lately. Tonight is one of the rare nights where I feel so relaxed and just want to take a break and not think at all. Suddenly, I feel so weird trying to blog like I used to. Ever since I've came to Melbourne, I've not had the time to blog as frequent, and I only do at most once a week compared to last time where I would have something to say every four-five days. I think I've lost my momentum. I finally understood what Zhi Yan told me about this.

It's week 11 of Semester 1 now.

Everyday I countdown and stare at this on my cupboard and I just can't stop thinking of where did my time go by. The only thing I'm looking forward to in my hectic schedule is going back home.

I think I've become very inconsistent lately. I'm getting worse at managing my time, and I just can't seem to focus anymore. Like the past few days were so hectic cause I was rushing to submit two assignments today. It was the first time I've ever stayed in the library in uni until 2am. It reminded me so much of SAM when Eric would pick me up at 3am and we would go to the hang out zone to study, except that back then it was a chilled study session, where we would waste as much time as we could, unlike now where every minute is crucial. I'm running out of time to study. One more essay, and three subjects to study for. I need to start getting back on track.

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