Thursday, June 30, 2011


Highlights of my week;
Everyone refused to date me on Monday fml. The one day I had the car but I had no one to go out with. So I went shopping by myself! I forgot how satisfying that felt. I used to hate shopping alone, but on the bright side, there's no one to stop you from buying anything you want :)

Went to change my blackberry housing with Steffi on Tuesday. She picked me up then we went to Bangsar, and after we were done, we had nothing to do so we went for karaoke @ Pyramid.

Pretty backlights! <3 So in love with my rainbow :D

Shopping at Times Square with the girlfriend on Thursday

Two Thursdays in a row I've been to Times Square! :) Stupid girl was suppose to pick me up but she overslept GRR! We ended up having to take a train, ish. WE BOTH CAN DRIVE, BUT WE'RE TAKING PUBLIC TRANSPORT! Super fml. But, it was still super fun shopping for cheap cheap things! (not for our wallets though D:)

More shopping with my bimbo on Friday! :)

She picked me up and drove to OU. Lunched at Delicious, and then mad shopping! I swore I wasn't going to buy anything since I practically burned a hole in my wallet the previous day, but I failed the moment we stepped foot into Forever 21 ): Went to get our eyebrows threaded after that.

She sent me back, then two hours later, the fatty came and picked me up for dinner at Pyramid. I wanted Murni's at first, but he wanted to go Pyramid so we ended up eating at TGIF, which killed my wallet even more grr ):

Dear Audrey,
Please stop shopping.


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