Saturday, June 25, 2011

First week home

First week back;

Went out with Zhi Yan on Monday (or supposedly anyway). Drove to her place, but after picking her up, Hazwan told us that Steffi needed our help with her assignment, so we had to cancel our plans and went to her house to help her *because we're such awesome friends wtf*

Ta pao-ed pan mee lunch for us and Steffi before going to her house, then had a quick lunch before going up to her room and working on our assignment. Zhi and Aud's day of shopping FAIL. We ended up spending the whole day in her place doing her essay NO, I ended up doing her essay while she was playing Talking Gina on the iPad FML. She was playing iPad, Zhi on iPod Touch, and Haz studying for his test, while I was on her comp doing her essay. I really think I should write my own books wtf. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, 8 pages in 3 hours plus!

After that, Hazwan drove (and almost killed) us to IACT so she could submit her assignment. Bloody hell, it was due at 5pm and we reached at 4.50pm, just in time to print and email! Talk about last minute, ish.

Crazy ass driver :(

Then Haz dropped us at Vintry for dinner while he rushed back to HELP for his exam. Steffi promised to take me to her workplace since it was supposed to be really good and she had 30% discount. Food was so damn orgasmic, and the discount was so worth it :D

Heeee :P

Haz picked us up after his exam, and then dropped Zhi at Parade and then took us back to Steffi's and I drove back from there.

Girls day out FAIL :(

Tuesday and Wednesday- hardcore gym, window shopping, orthopaedic appointment and Zumba :D

Thursday was my day out with Carmen the bimbo ♥
Went through so much trouble picking her up D: But, we still made it to Times Square! Mission- cheap clothes shopping! It was the bimbo's third day there already, and she was my GPS since I haven't been there before :)

Korean food for lunch because she loves it.

Loves! :D

The rest of the afternoon was mainly spent shopping, tea time at chatime, and then I sent her back and managed to get home without getting lost :)

Next day, Jian Hong took me out for breakfast/brunch. He finished class at 10am, then came over and picked me up for Uncle Seng (since he ffk-ed the previous time pshh) And after he dropped me home, it was Camerons for three days! Drove all the way to Tapah, and then mummy took over cause I was sleepy :P Reached around 5pm, and came back on Sunday.
Pictures and week 2 soon!


Till then, xoxo

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