Wednesday, July 13, 2011

First accident

Had the scariest near-death experience today :( Such a bad day for driving, ish.

Mum had to go to Kuching today and I needed the car to go out, so I was suppose to send her to the airport. She woke me up at 4.30am and she said she'll drive to the airport and I drive back so I can sleep a bit more in the car.

Halfway throughout the journey it started raining so I didn't sleep and kept her company instead just in case of anything. Took us longer than expected to reach the airport cause it was dark and rainy. She told me to drive safely and not speed and I REALLY DID listened to her this time!

Just before the first toll there was roadwork going on and three lanes became one lane, but that was alright. And for the first time ever driving at ELITE highway, I was only driving at 80km/h and keeping to the middle lane. I swore, I did NOT exceed 100km/h, and was mostly keeping to 80 only.

All of a sudden I saw a car about a hundred metres in front of me so I slowed down. But then as I got closer I realised that the car was not moving and press the brake even more to brake immediately, but too late.

What kind of stupid car breaks down and the driver leaves the car in the MIDDLE LANE of a highway anyway?! Why couldn't the stupid car move to the side? Isn't that the normal thing people do when their car has an accident or breaks down? And most importantly, WHY DIDN'T THE DAMN DRIVER ON HIS HAZARD LIGHT?! NO WARNING TO THE DRIVERS BEHIND HIM AT ALL LOR!

I don't know how many accidents that car got into already because the bumper was pretty much gone. And because of that I don't have to pay for his damage (thank you!) Just have to pay for my own, which still sucks.

There were a few cars at the side left lane so I assumed it was a bumper to bumper accident. I had to quickly move my car to the side and ask for help. Tried to call mummy but her phone was switched off, and I didn't know who else to call so early at that time. So I asked this Indian uncle whether I could still drive back or not and he checked my car temperature for me and said it was still okay.

Had to drive all the way back to Subang after that and my heart was beating so fast the whole journey back. I did not dare exceed 80 and I think I was only driving at 60km/h, keeping to the middle lane since all the lorries were on the left lane.

This is so shit.
Only one month back from Melbourne and I already got into my first car accident.

Ever since I started driving, I've always wondered when I will get into my first accident *touch wood* and I always thought my first accident would be something minor, like I scratched someone's car, or bang into a pillar while parking, or hitting another car's side mirror.. something simple that would happen on a main road and not on a highway! Who knew it ended up to be one so serious, urgh.

Super bad mood.
But I'm so glad I have awesome friends that called throughout the day to make me feel better :)

1 year and 5 days since I got my license.
There goes my clean record.

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