Saturday, July 30, 2011


I never thought there would come a day where blogging has become a chore.
I've been blogging for about 6-7 years already, and I just get so used to it to the point where I forgot the purpose and reason why I started.

I remember when I first started blogging in Form 1, all I did was talk about my everyday life even though it was pretty much the same routine everyday. Sometimes even one sentence posts like "I had a great day, too tired to update now, bye" Back then it seemed like that was what everyone was doing. Every time you blog-hop to a typical teenage friend's blog, all you could see were multicoloured posts with glittery backgrounds. We were young then~

And then, in Form 3, I switched to a private blog in LiveJournal. And I have stuck to it for 3-4 years, and over that period, I think I've become more matured wtf, and didn't stick to everyday blogging. My posts were then short and simple, mainly witty comments and lame jokes. Like I would always find something lame to say in everything.

Last year, when I switched to blogger, I felt like I couldn't fully express myself here first cause the thought of everyone reading my thoughts felt a bit scary after 3 years of blogging to selected readers. But after a while, it sunk in and I couldn't be bothered about readers and got to my daily dosages of lameness again.

This year, I thought that I'd have more time when I come to Melbourne and would update frequently especially for the people back home to see, but I guess I've been too preoccupied last semester, and then the momentum just dropped and I couldn't really be bothered anymore.

I'm not saying that I'm going to quit blogging, cause I don't think I can ever :P But don't expect as many updates now. I'll probably update maybe once a week? *because my life is boring like that /sad/* Unless I find something interesting to post about :)

*Another reason why I don't update often, it's because INTERNET CONNECTION HERE IS SHIT! I keep getting disconnected so many friggin times, ish! Geram sial!

Till then, the remaining pictures from my holiday back home ♥

Mr Popper Penguin & Transformers 3 movie marathon day! :D

Outing with Rohit :)
*this was the day after I had the accident, I clearly remember!*
The ironic thing is that, the next week, Rohit got into an accident as well! FOLs!

More macarons!

Pyramid with Suceliaaaa :D

Jyu Raku for our last lunch together! *hearts*

Malaysia, I can't wait to see you again :')

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