Monday, November 21, 2011

Like a high.

Seems like I haven't updated in forever. My apologies :B I've been too busy with exams. But but, I'm finally done! I'M DONE WITH FIRST YEAR! (provided I don't fail anything, but still Thank You God for getting me all the way here) :D *keep praying until results are out*

The past month-ish have been a blur to me. Everyday has been the same routine. Wake up lunch-ish, study in the dining hall the whole day, chill, sleep. Have been studying in the dining hall everyday and I only go back to my room to sleep wtf.

Pre-exam prep!
MacBook Pro-ing before our last paper :B
HAHAHA. I love my 5th floor friends! We gave up studying for APA and had no mood for it cause Dung and I brought our comps down, so we ended up Photobooth spamming! (too many pictures that we even need a Facebook album for it LOL)

Exams have been.. okay I guess. Meh :/ ATA was scary shit *sigh* not too happy about that, but oh wells. PRAYPRAYPRAY.

I finished exams on Friday and I have not stopped going out since! FRIDAY was a good day! :) Went out shopping in the afternoon! Went to Bourke Street but couldn't find anything. MYER, Portman and Rubi was such a disappointment. Went to QV and Woolies at Lonsdale but they didn't have anything as well. Finally, went to Melbourne Central and my shopping spree started :) Valleygirl, Sportsgirl, Cotton On and of course, to end with Boost on a crazy hot afternoon! <3

And also, I went out clubbing that night hehehe :B First time! But.. I didn't find it particularly nice. Jen and I left early. Too tired by 2am so we took a cab back. I think we're too old for clubbing HAHA. But we just finished an exam, and I haven't slept for 36 hours, maybe that's why I didn't particularly enjoyed myself.

Yesterday, I went out the whole day again. Had karaoke from lunch till evening, then dinner. After that, went for cell to celebrate Andrew's birthday :)

Angry birds! Hehehe.
There was an ISM Thanksgiving in church before that, but Joyce and I didn't go. I went out, and Joyce had to study. The theme for our cell was birds and poultry so our cell went as angry birds! LOL. Andrew got the pig cause he's the birthday boy :)

Slept at 3am but still managed to get up for church at 8am (got to love my neighbour) HEHEHE :) Got dressed way too little for the morning, came back for our last brunch. Met Jane for a while, then went to MC for a bit. Managed to hunt for two tops for $15 in 30mins. Am I pro or what? LOL.

Went straight to basketball after that with ISM people :) I love it! It's been super long since I played, and the only people that I've played with were my SAM friends. And they would know how noob I am HAHA. Played way too many times with them that they've seen me from noob to 'okay' :P But but, the people I played with today were super pro! But at least I still managed to touch the ball and shoot, hehehe :)

KO-ed at 8pm and now I'm wide awake. Shall go back to bed at 4am, then sleep till I meet Esther for brunch tmrw and go apartment inspection maybe? And shop more after that oh noes.

Two more days till I see my sister. Excites! And after that it's HOMESWEETHOME. I love how everyday is a day closer to home. It's coming, I can feel it! :)

Much love, xoxo

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