Saturday, December 31, 2011

200th special; resolutions

Hello all :) This is the last post I'll be doing for 2011 (unless I feel hardworking tomorrow but I doubt it), and it's also my 200th post! audwooo[dot]blogspot is almost two years, so today I thought of doing a special something.
Confession: Actually I was already going to do this despite the post count, but just mere coincidence it's the big 200 wtf.

SO, 2012 is just a day away, and I thought I'd look back on what I've done the past year.

I turned 18, which was a bit of a disappointment. Maybe cause it's EIGHTEEN, maybe cause I was away from home. I don't know. I just thought that 18 would be something different, and I would have accomplished so much more in life by the time I turn 18, but I still feel the same. Like the same underage girl 10 years ago.

And I thought I would celebrate something special since it's the legal-turnabout, but I didn't do much. Last year, I had 4 birthday cakes, this year I had none. New friends, new pool, it wasn't easy, but ah wells. I know 19 is going to be different though, and I'm pretty much looking forward to the start of next year!

Highlight of the year was obviously Melbourne :)

Too many words to sum up in a post, but definitely a lifelong memory. Thank you to those that walked with me on this path, through solid rock and sinking sand. To the friendships gained and lost, to the hearts broken and mended, and to the laughter and tears, I am sincerely grateful.

SO, last year I made a whole bunch of resolutions for 2011 and I'm trying to see whether or not I accomplished any.

DO WELL IN UNI - failed miserably. This year, I realise that it doesn't matter if you score straight A's in SPM, or achieve an ATAR score above the uni requirement. It doesn't mean you're smart. In fact, I've never felt stupider in my life before, not even when I failed Sejarah in Form 2. No wonder why everyone says this isn't like high school anymore.

DO NOT FALL IN LOVE - HAHAHAHA LAWL done and checked. Biggest joke of my life maaan. Btw, stalkers and cute tutors and tute guy as S puts it does not count! LOL :P

DO A GOOD DEED - Haven't really done much of this, unless donating blood counts.

FIND MY PURPOSE IN LIFE - I think I'm almost there :) Thanks to supporting friends, leading me and inspiring me, I think I know what I want to do in life now. At least, I have a goal!

And a few other personal goals I shall keep it in my bucket list, heee.

As for my 2012 resolutions, I'll keep them secret :)
Or I'll list them down at the end of the year.

Happy New Year, and to all a good day ♥

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