Saturday, January 28, 2012

Things I miss about Melbourne ♥

1. Being away from home

No doubt I miss home, but I actually miss the quiet #loner :(
I know I always complain and say I'm very #foreveralone , but sometimes I actually miss being alone and being able to do what I want, when I want.

And also no mother to nag me to do housework wtf.
I know I get homesick there all the time (which is why I come back three times a year), but this holiday back, I don't really feel at home. I feel like I'm in Malaysia, not home. Doesn't really make sense physically, but emotionally yes. I guess that now since all my friends are overseas in different parts of the world, my familiar place means nothing with all the familiar faces gone.

Thankfully, I still have my college friends around, or I seriously swear I'd rot at home. Met up with them 3 times already, going for breakfast with them again this Wednesday, a yet-to-be-happening shopping trip with Carmen babe, and probably meet up with Eric when he's back from HK :)

2. Teanna

OMG I SUPER miss this girl :( If it wasn't for my job, I'd be in Singapore seeing her already T_T I miss the early mornings and late nights whatsapping/SMSing/fb chat-ing with her eventhough we are just 2 steps away from each others room and can probably wall talk lol. SPASTIC TTM.

I guess I just miss having someone to talk to. I've been feeling a bit empty since I've been back cause I can't find anyone to tell all my random/stupid things. I'm too used to going next door to her room every night, telling her about my day, and listening to hers. Even if I have absolutely no purpose of going to her room, I still find myself sitting there for ages talking. I can tell her everything! Be it problems, past history, current matters, or just daily ranting :)

I miss her knocking on my door with a bag of salt and vinegar chips asking if I want while nomming away, and the same when I sit on her bed and eat her chips eventhough she say I very kua zhang (the more she say the more I eat wtf *shameless*)

The one thing that's got me excited to go back!
Can't wait to see her <3


Shit no, I'm not kidding #glutton
If there's one food I miss in Melbourne, it's gotta be this. HAHAHA. Okay, maybe I just don't go out much thanks to IH food. I definitely don't miss that ;)

Last Rose Garden dinner with my girls :)


Nuff said.
Stupid phone number is not under my name and postpaid, but the data charges are so crazy so I had to get a prepaid card just for my BB cause I'm a social network whore, and now I've two phones to use -.-

5. Weekends in Melbourne

I miss going for brunch, going for cell group bible study, dinners, going to church, going shopping, playing basketball with church friends, and travelling to fully maximise my Metcard use (shh I'm cheap I know)


Oh wells, 3 more weeks left till I'll be back/gone (however I choose to see it)
Time to start planning my days well and meet up with a lot of people :)

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