Tuesday, January 31, 2012

3 things I've learned this month

1. Distance can never really separate two hearts that care

More and more friends have been going overseas, but I'm glad we're still in contact ♥ I feel like my life is so virtual now, always on the computer HAHA. But, at least I'm happy :) Honestly, I even think I'm closer to those that are not around compared to those of my friends that are here and always too busy.

Finally got a chance to talk to KC last week after he left for UK. He seems pretty settled already, and it'll be another 4 more months before we meet :) Also Skyped with Tea yesterday for almost 2 hours after 2 months of not hearing her voice HAHAHAHA.

Thank You God for inventing Skype :)
.. or for giving man the wisdom to invent Skype LOL.

2. Some people are just too damn thick skin

PFFT, I just can't be bothered dealing with these kind of people anymore. Mad annoying. I really don't understand someone you used to know like a book can turn out the exact opposite in such a short period. BUAY PAISEH ONE AH?
Anyway, forget it. Those that matter don't mind, and those that mind don't matter.

3. Life is not always about the destination, it's about the journey

After having a feel of what it's like to be working, I've come to realise a few things.
This month has been pretty mundane, seeing that I've been working everyday and barely gone out. Everyday it's the same routine, and I go to work feeling like shit when I'm bored, just desperately counting down the hours left till I get to go home.

But when I actually have things to do, or am occupied, I really like my job, and I don't even realise time goes by so quickly then. 3 hours can feel like an hour, and I feel satisfied at the end of the day (like a big accomplishment liddat wtf)

Time flies so fast. I can't believe January is over already, and I only have 5 more days remaining left to work. I'm going to miss working in this company. When I first started, I told myself I'm not doing it for the money, but more for the experience (and also something I can write in my resume, kiasu la shhh wtf) and now it's almost time for me to leave, I feel a bit disappointed.

I've actually learned so much while working.
Instead of counting down the hours, I try to look for how much I can learn and accomplish within the day :)


Anyway, to all KL people, IT'S A HOLIDAY TOMORROWWWW! Time to catch up on sleep :D
This is the only holiday KL gets that Selangor doesn't, and for once I'm happy to be working in KL HAHAH :)

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