Friday, February 3, 2012


I made a very stupid bet with a friend yesterday.
Don't need to guess, but it's something related to losing weight.
What's the catch, I won't mention it here.

But this time, I think it's quite a serious bet, and I'm DAMN determined to prove to him I can. Mr E, I will not let you look down on me anymore. Just cause you can't, doesn't mean I cannot! HAHAHA :D

I know I'm fat la FML. Seriously, everytime people think of Audrey the first adjective that pops up in their mind is fat wtf. EH SERIOUS AM I NOT RIGHT? *wallows in self pity*

Today was Day 1 of #challengeaccepted. (Or Day 2 if yesterday counted)
Skipped dinner, went for two hours of gym right after work, and came back and drank fibre for meal replacement.

I'm so gonna die these few months fml. I already know it's gonna be no-dinner-more-gymming for the next 3 months at least, but it's okay! IT'S WORTH IT, cause soon I will be a 淑女. And Mr E can't say anything anymore! ;)

So, as of 1/2/12, AUDREY WOO is turning over a new leaf!

Hello new Aud! #challengeaccepted :D

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