Monday, March 5, 2012

Am I in a better place?

I'm not sure whether I made the right decision or not.

Moving out was probably one of the biggest things I've had to do this year, and I honestly can't say whether I made the right choice or not. I remember clearly last year that I insisted to move out, but after doing so, I can't say that I enjoy it, but I really missed staying with people during my first few nights back. But now that I've thought over properly, I'm getting used to it, and I don't think I've regretted moving out. I think if I were staying in college this year, I'd still be complaining about the food and wondering did I not move out LOL. The nature of human minds :)

The past two weeks have been a whirlwind, settling down to a new place all alone. The first week especially has been a nightmare, and I honestly don't know how I got through it. All I can say is, thank You God. The past few days have been better though, like I've been praying and starting to familiarise myself with this new change. I think I'm doing better.

Last Friday I went for Jane's youth group, and one of the questions asked was "do you think that how close your relationship with God affects your attitude towards people or your personality?" (somewhere along those lines). It took me awhile to realise that YES, in fact it does make a huge difference. Like the first few days when I returned, I've just been so tired and felt really shitty the whole time, and I realised that I was quite distant with God at that point of time. But after talking to a few friends, praying, and all that, I'm thinking that I actually can do this.

Today, I cooked my first meal in Melbourne :)
I think, cooking here is easier than cooking back home. Probably cause there is no mummy to complain that I am not eating substantial food (like she ever does PFFFT) I quite like it tho! Can't believe I'm saying this, but I think cooking is quite fun! Probably YT influenced me earlier at lecture today with her current lifestyle, but YES I think I'm beginning to enjoy this :) Which adds on, I think I have an addiction to shopping. Not just any shopping-- grocery shopping -.- I went to the market after church yesterday (and got lost inside wtf) and I think I can just spend hours walking and looking at things to buy. And today I went to Yah Weh 3 times just to see if there is anything I can buy. SHIT MAN, I FEEL SO AUNTY! T__T

Anyway, now that I think I'm doing better, it's time for me to study hard now! This year HAS got to be better than last year. I'm quite scared, but I really do hope I can cope with all my subjects this year and do well. Gonna start studying already! Planning to spend my off day in the library tomorrow, hoping to re-read and understand last week's lectures #kiasu

Till then, xoxo

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