Friday, April 13, 2012


Hello pretty people :)
I'm for once not late in updating! Or.. not 'THAT' late at least.
People have been chasing me for photos, but my OB and QM2 is chasing me the other direction! I know, sorry sorry, but I shall get them done and up on Facebook by this weekend!

To my readers: sneak peak first

The car ride on the way there! :P
Playing and experimenting with my iPad apps and filters, heee.

Stopped by Subway for lunch!
I even met a little girl wearing the EXACT same thing as me, green and white striped top with V neck lace details! I think she bought it from F21 kids. Tsk tsk, kids these days.

Team building round 1: making the tallest tower only using spaghetti and marshmallows!
NOT as easy as it looks.

My teammates with our strengths :)

First night in the tent!

It was freezing cold and I didn't sleep the entire night. Probably the most for just an hour. It was SO BLOODY COLD I couldn't even breathe. The next night I moved to sleep on the couch in the dining hall and slept like a baby (:

No other pictures for the second and third day cause I was lazy to bring my camera around, and also cause most of the activities we had to do involved getting wet, dirty, running around, etc so it wasn't convenient. I also didn't bring my phone along for most of the time, and for once I felt completely cut off my social life, which I guess was what camp is all about (:

Last day with Amanda!
Credits to Aaron for the amazing effect (:


And now, it is 12.30am.
I have just finished QM2 up until the latest Week 6 Lecture 12! OHYEAHH. Just left next week's tute to finish up. So, according to my timeline, I AM ON SCHEDULE (except that I cut out Corp Law wtf. I can ignore that for the time being) and I can finally start studying for my Cost mid sem tmrw!

Anyway, the library is closing in half an hour. I should probably head home. And sleep. Or watch on call :B


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