Wednesday, April 18, 2012

LOVE; the most powerful four letter word

It's 7.55pm on a Wednesday night and I'm still in the library. And I've been here for more than 12 hours already, planning only to leave at 11pm after finishing Lecture 5 and the practice test question. I shall resume studying at 8.15pm.


So, I just had a chat with one of my bro-friends that's having some relationship crisis now, and I realise that, a lot of my friends now are also having the same problem. I start to wonder, why people fall to love so quickly? And then, get bored of it once the honeymoon phase is over. That's not how it is when you love someone.

I've actually thought about this quite sometime ago.
I've always wondered, what if I were to be a spinster my whole life? Who knows, I could have the gift of celibacy without knowing it! And sometimes I worry, but then I always remember what a dear friend once told me "if you have the desire in your heart to get married, God will provide" which now that I think about it, is so true! If you really have the gift of celibacy, I'm sure God would remove that desire in your heart to get married! Which makes me perfectly contented with my free-single status at the moment. I find no rush to jump into a relationship, not looking out for any potential partners, which I feel perfectly fine! I'm contented with myself right now, and see no problem in that (:

I have a lot of friends getting together now (is it couple season already?!), and it's good, I feel happy that they're happy! It may have made me wonder about how it would turn out when it's my turn, but I'm patient and in no rush. God has better plans for me waiting. And I'm happy that they're happy.

On the other hand, my friends are all coming to me with their problems, one by one falling head over heels in love, only to be filled with regret later. Z just told me how he's having feelings for someone that is already attached, and I really don't know what to say about their relationship now (I shall not share details cause it's their problem). I think, love is something sacred, shared between two people. As soon as you know one person is attached, you should be drawing a line on your friendship, knowing where the barrier is, and stay in your zone and not cross the barrier. And if you are in a relationship, you should also be aware on how you treat your friends of the opposite gender. DO NOT lead them on.

But really, I think the most important thing would be to PROTECT YOUR HEART (one of my resolutions this year *proud*). Do not give your heart away to someone so easily. Even if you're in a serious relationship, know where your limits are. Protect yourself, and also the person you love.

HAHA, I really don't know why I was so inspired to write a blog post on this.
Like I say, everyone ask me for advice, and I'm the one that's single HAHAHHA. What a joke!

I think I've been reading a lot of Christian-relationship books. But it's good, cause now I know my standards! Do not lower your standards just to find someone, but rather keep your standards high and take time to find someone that can meet yours. Because he may also be looking for a girl with high standards! And do not be in a rush to start a relationship. Take time, pray about it, and in every circumstance, GIVE THANKS. I know God has plans for me for my love life :)

Till then,
Aud out xoxo

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