Thursday, June 14, 2012

A series of unfortunate events

I was planning on blogging yesterday, but the whole 24 hours seemed to be such a blur. Almost everything was going against me, and all my plans failed.

Had my Corp Law paper yesterday which I have been madly stressed about for the past week. I couldn't eat, I couldn't sleep, and all I could ever think about was Corp -___- The night before I tried going to bed early cause it's my first morning paper for this semester, but I ended up sleeping for only an hour before waking up. Couldn't go back to sleep and I wanted to text mummy to ask her to pray but I was scared that if I told her then she wouldn't be able to sleep, so I rolled in bed for another hour, and then spent the next 20 minutes praying in desperation. Eventually fell asleep and managed to wake up fresh despite my 5 hours of sleep only :)

And just when I thought everything was going to be okay, I finally felt calm and left the house for my exam, I realised I didn't have my student card! Panicked like a turkey on Thanksgiving wtf, quickly went home and I almost turned my whole room upside down looking for it. I couldn't find it, it's probably lost, and I was so close to tears but I went for the exam anyway hoping they would let me in anyway. I was even thinking that they would not let me in the hall, I would have to take a supplementary exam, apply for special consideration, etc etc. But thank God when I told one of the people outside the hall he told me "just relax, focus on your paper, don't worry about it" and said I could use any other photo ID. For a moment I thought my life was almost over, but I'm so thankful I could sit for my paper! PTL, I wouldn't say that the paper was easy, in fact one of the hardest I've had so far, but I surrendered all, and I feel relieved now :)

The rest of my day from there was pretty much good. Came home and had a good lunch, moved some things over to my new place, watched a bit of drama, then went out for window shopping and had kickboxing for training :D

But just when I felt like I was on top of the world, my world came crashing down on me. I didn't bring my wallet with me when I went out cause I didn't want to carry so much, so I just grabbed $50. THE THING IS, my access card to my apartment was inside my wallet and I totally forgot about that! Came home and realise I was stuck, so I tried calling Tea and Esther if I could borrow their place for the night but they didn't reply me. Spent ages outside trying to dial in, ended up following someone inside but couldn't get to my floor cause of the stupid lift. Tried to use the stairs and emergency exit but ended up getting stuck there too. Panicked like crazy, when Tea finally answered my call! She quickly came all the way from round table, made it in to the building to get me out, and we had to find a way back to my floor. Thank God just as I got out, there was a random girl coming in and when I asked her, she was on the same floor as me!! Followed her up and I've never felt so grateful before! T_T

"I think the security in this place too tight already, very dangerous!" Tell me about it! :(
Spent the rest of the night talking to Tea in my apartment (what an epic night!), then Esther called back saying she's coming home from round table. Took a shower, then went over to their place to chill and played Bananagrams! :B

I felt damn suay yesterday, but nevertheless I am so thankful. I really don't know what I would have done without Teanna! For a moment I thought that I'd have to spend the next 8 hours in the basement or something and even if I died there no one would knew wtf.

I think my life is a joke.


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