Saturday, June 23, 2012

Home again

Hello from Malaysia! :)
I was suppose to update since my exams ended, but I've just been SO BUSY. I barely have time to breathe *sigh* It's already been 4 days of home but I still haven't recovered yet. I need to find time to hibernate soon :(

Anyway, the past week has been so crazy especially since Tuesday. Woke up early to study, then had my final paper for the semester. Went out for lunch with Jen like we planned since a month ago, but the two of us were less excited after the paper than before. I think two of us were damn tired already since we barely slept the night before LOL. I went back home after that to pack and move things to the new house, with help from Teanna and Germaine (seriously blessed to have them, I think I'd die without their help!). Went to shift my luggage to Teanna's place after that, then returned my keys. GOODBYE TO MICASA FOREVER! No more locking myself out wtf. Chilled at Germaine's place for a while after that, then I went to the gym for my final training session :( Jen was training before me and waited till I finished, showered, etc and then a few of us went out for dinner together.

Went back to Tea's place to wait for my shuttle pick up but they were late! Panicked like crazy and called them again and made it just in time to the airport. Thank goodness the check in line wasn't as long as I thought it would be.

Survived the dreaded 8 hour flight with only 2 hours of sleep thanks to crying babies on board, and landed 40 minutes earlier than expected. Mum picked me up from the airport then sent me home and I had a good one hour sleep on my sister's floor while trying to get used to the weather. Rachel picked me up for lunch after that and I met up with the usual gang, then went to Pyramid to get my SIM card, and then walked out to Empire to check out the gym and finally the sister's birthday dinner at night. Craziest 48 hours of my life -___-

More updates soon, promise! :)
I think tonight I need to sleep like a sloth and try not to wake up before 7am tomorrow.

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