Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Where the heart is :)


This post should just be titled the ZY post wtf. You'll see why later.

I actually have planned so many posts to blog about (I know la, kiasu wtf) but then I really didn't think I'd be that busy back home that I only have about an hour every night to sit down in front of the computer. In fact, most of the time I don't even use my laptop cause I'm just lazing on my iPad ;( It's been almost a week since I've been back (tomorrow marks exactly one week!) and I've been going out so much it's crazy LOL. I feel super disgusting, I feel like I haven't had time to nua in bed enough. But I think I'm already getting used to home, past the jetlagged phase, and mostly recovered from the culture shock, weather craze, and I think my body has adjusted itself to Malaysian timezone wtf.

What I've been up to since I came back!
Day 1: 20th June

Special friends reunion! ❤ yeaay :) Rac picked me up and we went straight to Jyu Raku for lunch.

First meal home FTW! Foodgasmmmm.

My retarded special friend.
Bad day for camwhoring cause Zhi said she felt ugly and my skin was breaking out in sweat and oil getting used to the weather wtf.

Was so damn tired during lunch I didn't have a chance to catch up properly with everyone.
Went to Pyramid after to get my SIM card and Mike went to buy jeans, walked and lepaked a while then Rac dropped me home :)

Day 2: 21st June

Zhi came over to Subang and we went swimming :)

She drove! So proud of her HAHA :D 
My first time sitting in her car, and I'm still alive :3

 Bright and sunny dayyy! 
*super love my new cam, like DSLR quality can? I know I very shallow :(

This was the day we found out that we are each other's perfect match.
We are truly the most disgusting people ever.

Went to tapau lunch and she came over to my house to eat. We were craving Jyu Raku salad AGAIN *sigh* we're such cows :( Ended up having salad and pan mee for lunch before going off to Pyramid.

Day 3: 22nd June

Training in the morning, then spent the whole day with daddy in OU. That place is so new I can't recognise it anymore! Went to Unique Seafood for dinner cause I was craving for seafood. Seriously, I come back to Malaysia I don't eat Malaysian food ._. Abalone, crab, lobster noodles, and bamboo clams for dinner, SO GOOD! Anyway we only go there once in four years so it's okay to splurge wtf.


26th June

Another day out with my retarded special friend.
Was super rushed this morning cause the plan was so unplanned. She picked me up around 10.45am, then we headed off to Pyramid for lunch and shopping.

Wanted Jap food for lunch (as usual) but Zanmai only opened at noon so we spent a whole hour shopping and being broke FOLs.

Sushi Zanmai! 
Again we're such disgusting girls FOLs.

 Sadgirl92 and Sadgirl93: friggin bad day for both of us. 
I think we are fated to be with each other wtf. Our lives are so sad.

 "I'm paying RM5 for something I don't like that's gonna make me fat"
Seriously our lives damn joke -___-

We walked the whole of Pyramid aimlessly without buying anything cause
1. NO MOOD. Seriously very sad today ;(

Zhi: I think today no need go gym. I walk so much I burn all the calories already
Aud: PLEASE. The only thing you're burning is a hole in your wallet
Zhi: -___- BITCH! Can't you make me feel happy for at least five seconds?!

Today was so epic LOL.

Thanks for the day out love! :D

One more day tomorrow, and then it's Bangkok on Thursday till the weekend! EXCITEDDD 

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